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Adnan Tufekčić
Adnan Tufekčić
Contact Adnan Tufekčić

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli,


Ethnopedagogical approach to prevention of social exclusion of youth implies research and using popular upbringing as a socio-historical phenomenon in structuring contemporary educational system. Popular pedagogy cannot be completely renewed, which is not necessary, so it should be merged with contemporary pedagogical thought. In addition to that, basic attributes of popular pedagogy offer approaches, methods and procedures for solving problems within the actual crisis of upbringing and education. Those attributes stem from virtues that are educational aims of all peoples such as: love for parents, love for work, health, intelligence, sociability (humanity), kindliness, honour, chastity (honesty), loyalty and fairness, contempt for laziness, treating the elderly with respect, which is achieved through interconnection of upbringing, self-education and correction. The significance of ethnopedagogical cognitions for building the system for prevention of social exclusion of youth is seen in applying multigenerational pedagogical experiences from human development in terms of personality and sociability. Keywords: ethnopedagogy, popular pedagogy, educational system, prevention, social exclusion


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