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Šef Kurdić
Šef Kurdić
Contact Šef Kurdić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Sciences whose development and defining is iseriously nfluenced by women, along with men, are rare. Hadith and Hadith science is an exception in this regard. Ever since the very beginning of Islam, women - experts in the field, played a very important role in preserving and passing on Muhammad`s Hadith. In all stages of development of Hadith literature they showed a serious interest in this field of science. It is noticeable that the men-muhaddis showed utmost respect for these women-muhaddis. These facts are confirmed through biographical information about many women - Hadith experts, which abound in many works that treat Muhammad`s s.a.v.s. Hadith. Key words: Hadith / Hadith sciences / women – muhaddis.


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