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Azemina Durmić
Azemina Durmić
Contact Azemina Durmić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The aim of the study is to examine social capital by dimensions (network characteristics, social norms, resources and consequences of social capital) that are the result of analysis of concepts (Hean et. al., 2004), and on the other hand to examine correlation between social capital and its consequences that are manifested through inner resources of a young person. The methods used in the study were the method of theoretical analysis and descriptive-correlational method, whereas the instrument used for measuring global and constitutive attributes of social capital was a modified instrument of „Social capital and health in formal groups“ (Hean et al, 2004), which was used on a sample of students of the University of Zenica (N = 101). The results showed that all dimensions of social capital had from very low to middle values, whereas there were no high values of arithmetic means in any of subcategories of social capital dimensions. The study showed that the greater social capital is the bigger inner resources of a person are, i.e. coping capacity and general resilience of a person which can help in dealing with stressful events (r = 0.670; p = 0.000). The study conclusion creates a need for more detailed and precise examination of social capital, regarding its determining role in the area of mental health and health in general. Keywords: dimensions of social capital, resilience, youth, health


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