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Review paper


Esmir Halilović
Esmir Halilović
Contact Esmir Halilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


At the end of his Prophetic mission, the 10th year of hijrah, Allah's Prophet, Muhammad, saws, performed hajj. It was the only hajj performed by the noble Prophet, saws. Since he passed away returning to the Creator (“Ila al-Rafiq al-'Ala”) soon after the hajj, it is called the Farewell pilgrimage (hajj) of the Prophet, saws. The Prophet also held his most known khutbah, also known as the Farewell khutbah. There he synthesised and summarised fundamentals of Islamic social learning which are insufficiently discussed today. This paper is an attempt to stress the importance of these social aspects of the Farewell khutbah. Those are the equality of all human beings before the Creator and law, the rights of women and other potentially discriminated members of society, prohibition of social injustice in all forms, encouragement to persevere, among other issues. After the Farewell khutbah, the last ayah was revealed, the one in which Allah, the Exalted, said that Islam was perfected and that Allah, the Exalted, was satisfied with that. This tells us that Islam is the perfect religion in all its aspects, for an individual and for the community and society. Keywords: the Farewell hajj, the Farewell khutbah, sacred rights: women’s rights, property and honour, racism, discrimination


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