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Review paper


Vildana Dubravac ,
Vildana Dubravac
Contact Vildana Dubravac

International Burch University Sarajevo,

Lejla Žunić-Rizvić
Lejla Žunić-Rizvić


This paper deals with teaching management of different learning styles students use in the EFL classroom. It explores various types of learning styles and it provides directions that can help EFL teachers in better understanding of various learning preferences and in responding to different types of learners. Different types of learners are also treated in this paper. In addition to theoretical explanations for every type of learner mentioned, different methods and approaches are incorporated, together with suggestions for activities suitable for particular learners. The last part of the paper is a study of Bosnian teenagers’ learning styles and their implication in teaching. The aim of the study was to investigate major learning styles of Sarajevo teenagers and how they affect their learning. The results and analysis of the study are presented at the end of this paper.


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