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Review paper


Elvir Duranović


Throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina there are pilgrimage sites which Muslims visit from the middle of spring to late autumn. Although a lot has been written about pilgrimage sites, those are mainly press reports on the number of visitors and program content of the sites, and repeated reminders on folk tradition about a particular pilgrimage site, so in our language area there is no paper that on the scientific level questions the notion of the pilgrimage site in its entirety. The aim of this paper is to introduce the reader to the phenomenon of pilgrimage sites in the Bosnian context, the etymology of the word pilgrimage site, the basic characteristics of pilgrimage sites, locations of pilgrimage sites, rituals that are performed on pilgrimage sites and dates of the visit. Keywords: pilgrimage site, graves of saints, tomb, graves of the martyrs, necropolis of tombstones, Aliđun, Jurjev


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