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Review paper

Thinking skills in content and language integrated learning

Aida Tarabar ,
Aida Tarabar
Contact Aida Tarabar

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zenica,

Vildana Neslanović
Vildana Neslanović


Educational approach known as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become one of the most popular approaches in foreign language teaching, especially in countries with developed educational systems. One of its main aims is to help learners develop thinking skills through their simultaneous studying of the foreign language and the content of a particular subject. Since CLIL promotes the development of cognitive skills, many researchers and psychologists proposed a variety of techniques and activities which could be used for this purpose. Some of these techniques shall be discussed in this paper, along with the ways of applying them at different levels of education. Key words: CLIL, education, thinking skills, techniques


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