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Review paper

Correlation analysis of the impact of screen media on young children’s development

Nusreta Kepeš
Nusreta Kepeš
Contact Nusreta Kepeš

Islamski pedagoški fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću,


Healthy emotional and social development in childhood is an important predictor of an individual’s future academic success. Unfortunately, more than 20% of children have a developmental problem that occurs as a result of exposure to screen media. This research examines the potential risks of screen media among children, which are reflected in children’s speech, emotions, and socially competent behavior. The sample consisted of N=691 children aged 3-7 years. For this research purpose we used an empirical non-experimental method and a survey technique by means of a semi-structured questionnaire. The evidence of an association between screen time, on the one hand, and attentional difficulties, speech and socio-emotional reactions, on the other, is statistically significant only when the exposure is extremely high, i.e., exceeding three hours a day. Keywords: cartoons, digital media, screen media, video games, media content.


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