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Geopolotical, demographic, economic and geostrategic characteristics of sarajevo-zenica region

Džemal Najetović


Regarding geographic position, natural and human resources and their general correlation in social processes, Sarajevo- Zenica region is the central territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such geographic position makes it the core of Bosnian- Herzegovinian geographic area. This region controls considerable reserves of coal, forests, hydro-electric potential, etc. which is very important for the realization of Bosnian-Herzegovinian development concept. The neighboring countries had centuries-long territorial claims to this central mineral and forest-mountainous part of Bosnia. Because of these claims this area suffered over 200 conquering attacks in the past. The attitude towards territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the crucial question for the safety of the Western Balkans and south-east Europe. However, supposing that Sarajevo-Zenica region becomes occupied and divided, integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina would be uncertain. In other words it would not exist.


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