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Review paper


Muharem Adilović
Muharem Adilović
Contact Muharem Adilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The aim of the paper is to indicate the potential of social action in generating positive changes within a local community. The special significance of the social action lies in the processes of reconstructions of societies that survived traumatic experiences which resulted in the breaking of social connections and left a deep mark in their social tissue. Phases of organisation and realisation of social action have been indicated, as well as the importance of engaging distinguished people from local community in an action. The special focus was put on social capital and its role of “connective tissue” as a basic potential for organising social actions in local community. Future research on the state of social capital in Bosnian society would be of great significance for the context of organising social actions in the first place, and then for other social activities. More active participation of citizens, by the means of social action, is a model that would help activate passive citizens’ energy which is a key factor in the process of a democratic transformation of society. Keywords: social action, local community, reconstruction, social capital


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