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Kontroverze kolektivnog pamćenja

Esad Delibašić
Esad Delibašić
Contact Esad Delibašić

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici,


Ever since the nineties of the XX century collective memory has become preoccupation and a research topic in a number of scientific disciplines. Despite its frequent use, even nowadays this term provokes uncertainty, disapproval and doubt. The debate on whether there is collective memory or not is usually taking place between two opposing theoretical interpretations of the term. One interpretation rests upon the perception that collective memory actually exists as an independent entity, and is essentially different from individual memory. The other interpretation is based on explanations of memory in which first individual consciousness is isolated from the social context, and then as such is analyzed without taking into account the social context it originated from. The consequence of such a methodological approach is the creation of the individual awareness and memory as independent essentialized entities. Through a critical review of both of these interpretations, we come to the realization that for the creation of the phenomenon of memory, both an individual and a social component of an individual are necessary.


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