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Osobenosti kodifikacije hadiske predaje

Salih Indžić


In addition to presenting the classic hadith scholars’ work on protecting the hadith material from insertions and modifications as well as presenting the developmental stages of the hadith science, this paper aims to represent some specificities of the hadith narrations such as the shortest sened (sulasijjat) by which the narration reached the most important encoders – the compilers of hadith collections, in particular imam Bukhari, as well as the sened which scholars evaluated as the most authentic (es-silsile ez-zehebijje). The paper points to the exceptional importance of referring to the written, original source of narration in today’s time, and the unjustified nature of the initiative for redefining the criteria for narration evaluation, especially if it is based solely on the desire to adapt a faith source which is universal and timeless to passing, contemporary civilizational achievements and mainstream orientations of the time in which we live.


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