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Anela Hasanagić ,
Anela Hasanagić
Contact Anela Hasanagić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,

Seniha Busra Asici
Seniha Busra Asici

Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu,


Homesickness is a common feeling for most students, especially those who experience the separation from their own homes for the first time. It is known that some personality traits are associated with adjusting to the new situation, and when we talk about the separation from home and adapting to the new environment, we assume that one of the important factors could be attachment style. The aim of this study was to explore the correlation between the quality of attachment and homesickness that occurs with international students, as well as the gender differences, and differences in length of stay in a foreign country. The sample included 188 students (95 girls and 93 boys) from the International University of Sarajevo. Applied instruments are Homesickness Questionnaire (Longo, 2010), and Attachment Styles Questionnaire (ASQ) (Van Oudenhoven, Hofstra and Bakker, 2003). The results showed that there is a negative correlation between the homesickness and a secure attachment and a positive correlation between the homesickness and avoidant and resisting attachment. Gender differences were found only on the subscale of secure attachment, and the differences between students of different years of study were not statistically significant.


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