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Zuhdija Adilović
Zuhdija Adilović
Contact Zuhdija Adilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This issue is not of only philosophical character apart from Quranic-Sunni texts. The issue started inside a circle of Islamic society where Islamic texts were the foundation for everything in their lives and way of thinking. They were even the main trait of a Muslim personality. The domain of divine in the way of an individual’s reasoning should be based solely on the Qur’an and Sunna and their methodology. Nevertheless, the influence of foreign thinking on Islamic scholars as well as the attempts to compromise between the foreign thinking and Islam, started a new era of reasoning which, in general, is characterized by thought profusion unfamiliar to the original Islamic teaching that is precise and concise. Relation between Allah’s attributes and His Supreme Being is one of the issues that originated under the influence of new ambience. This greatly influenced the beginning of new courses of Islamic thought. As a result, it is necessary to analyze and define the origins of those ideas in order to estimate the extent to which Islamic thought has been consistent with the Islamic method of explaining one of the important aspects of religious thought. Such a study would also be helpful in separating original from borrowed within different courses of Islamic thought that for a long time played an important intellectual role. However, it is evident that they still greatly influence Islamic thought. Key words: Islamic thought, ilmul-kelam, Revelation, methodology


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