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Review paper

Miswak: from tradition to paradigm

Edin Selimović ,
Emir Begagić ,
Emir Begagić
Hakija Bečulić ,
Hakija Bečulić
Muharem Adilović
Muharem Adilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This review paper explores the use of miswak, a teeth-cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica plant, in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing oral diseases. Various aspects of miswak are analyzed, including its historical significance, chemical composition, pharmacological characteristics, and beneficial effects on oral health. The paper also investigates the Islamic perspective on oral hygiene and the use of miswak, as well as the socio-medical aspect of oral disease prevention. While there are studies that point out potential drawbacks of miswak usage, proper application and combination with conventional oral hygiene methods can result in good oral health. Considering its cost-effectiveness and the need for affordable oral hygiene methods, further research on the use of miswak is valuable and necessary. This paper provides an overview of modern and relevant scientific literature on miswak and its significance in maintaining oral health, highlighting its journey from tradition to paradigm. Keywords: miswak, oral health, social medicine.


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