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Review paper


Safet Husejnović
Safet Husejnović
Contact Safet Husejnović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Since the time of the Last Revelation the first Muslims dedicated much attention to the correct recitation of the Qur’an. The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad, peace be upon him, personally used to send the Qur’an reciters to some provinces with the task to teach others the correct recitation of the Qur’an. With respect to this, tajweed is a scientific discipline that studies the phonetics of the Qur’an. Since the advent of Islam up to the present days scientific Muslim circles all around the world have properly understood the importance of this discipline. This resulted in extensive literature almost in all languages, spoken by numerous Muslim nations. We are also among them, since a few manuscripts and textbooks from this field have been published in our language. Unfortunately, some of the manuscripts have disappeared, while some have never been found and examined. In this paper we study and analyze several tajweed manuscripts which can be found in the Gazi Husrev-bey Madrasah in Sarajevo.


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