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Review paper


Muamer Neimarlija
Muamer Neimarlija
Contact Muamer Neimarlija

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Recent neuroscientific flows initiated the emergence of modern conceptions of teaching, such as unconscious learning, suggestopedia and neuro-linguistic programming. A common feature of these concepts is the recognition of physiological principles of the human brain, which primarily involve emotional adaptation of teaching which provides a stimulating environment for teaching / learning. This paper examines the causal development of good quality teaching communication through the stimulating atmosphere of emotional and educational success. Also, the author searches for the presence of identical causalities in the mission of Muhammad, peace be upon him, trying to establish if his practice corresponds to the aforementioned scientifically-pedagogical flows. In such a religiously-scientific paradigm, he sees a way of achieving an Islamic religious education as an authentic and effective educational process. The attitudes of the participants of emotional climate are the indicators of such climate`s character and quality. Presented attitudes of the participants and the Quranic portrayal of the mission support the view according to which Muhammad s.a.v.s. is an credible example of a model for effective implementation of the aforementioned model of teaching / learning. Pedagogical practice of Muhammad, peace be upon him, is adequate proof of theoretical constructions and empirical studies of the contemporary pedagogy. Key words: teaching communication / positive emotional climate / attitudes / educational achievement / mission of Muhammad s.a.v.s.


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