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In this paper we refer to the definition by which motor skills are those human skills that are involved in resolving motor tasks, and that determine successful movement. The primary aims of the paper were to ascertain whether the level of physical deformity affects the results the participants show on the tests of basic motor skills, as well as whe...

By Alma Nezirović

In generative grammar, questions with wh-question word in the English language are usually named wh-questions, because all wh-words, with the exception of ‘how’, begin with consonants ‘wh’ in written English. However, a further distinction needs to be made between wh-questions in which wh-word has the grammatical function of being the subject and t...

By Amna Brdarević-Čeljo

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

Dizzing changes characterize our everyday life. Although it may seem that changes are general in the formal organization of schooling system, they are not as noticable as in other life segments. Nevertheless, they directly affect schools and their key factors: children – teachers – curricula – parents. As a result, there is the issue of the need of...

By Nezir Halilović

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Methods in logodidactics

We learn how to speak as we learn anything else in our life. The possibility of occurrence of speech deformities that are difficult to correct is decreased when the development of speech is planned and done systemically. Even in preletter phase of study children should be trained to communicate fluently, correctly and nicely. Basic speech component...

By Hazema Ništović

The paper aims to present the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics, the instruments for investigating and measuring the forms of self-presentation, as well as the determinants of self-presentation. The paper presents and describes the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics developed by Jones and Pittman (1982), Tedeschi (1981), Tedeschi, Lindsk...

By Almira Isić-Imamović

The aim of the research is to determine the overall presence of Orientalisms in the textbook of Islamic religious education for the eight grade, as well as the most common context of their use, the exact number of Arabisms in the total corpus of marked Orientalisms, and the percentage of Arabisms in relation to marked Orientalisms. On the other han...

By Ismet Burajić

In this paper we presented the meaning of the word belā (بَلَى), different stances of the Arabic language authorities on its ambiguity as well as different opinions of experts in the field of Qira’at and Tafsir about the types of pausal forms on this word. We listed individual examples relying on the Qur’anic order and pointed out possible tafsir i...

By Mensur Malkić

In the grammatical structure of the Turkish language, the ablative case suffix can also in certain contexts express causation. Thus, causative adverbial phrases can be derived by adding the ablative case suffix to noun phrases formed during the process of nominalization by transforming the initial clauses with finite predicates, where the function ...

By Edina Solak, Mirza Bašić, Amina Hadžimejlić

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

The paper present a new pedagogical issue known as brain-based learning. The main determinants of the phenomenon have been pointed out to question the possibilities of its methodical impact. The phrase brain-based learning is used as a term for the way of understandig a learning process. Various publications of an American author Eric Jensen's boo...

By Amina Isanović

01.12.2015. Review paper Biochemistry

No matter how insufficient it is to fully respect and accept others in accordance with one’s own system of references, tolerance is seen as a universal norm for existence and one of the main modes of human sociability. It is not the product of only one culture or a characteristic of only one, such as modern, epoch. Tolerance presents, mutatis mutan...

By Nusret Isanović

Journal of University of Zenica