Adolescent delinquency is an increasing problem in all societies. The United Nations recognized this problem as an emergency and in order to prevent this phenomenon they adopted Guidelines for Preventing Adolescent Delinquency in 1990, better known as Rijjad Guidelines. The Guidelines consist of measures for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and they define subjects and activities important for realizing successful prevention. All segments of a society must be involved in preventing this socially-pathological problem. The role of school is particularly important because children and the youth spend a lot of time at school. School is increasingly important in the after-war period because a certain number of parents, due to different difficulties, are not able to pay enough attention to the upbringing of their children. High school with different services and experts is very important in terms of secondary and tertiary prevention of adolescent delinquency.
Key words: adolescent delinquency, prevention, school, preventive programs
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