Through the prism of linguistic sign
This paper shortly presents some observations on a sign in general in order to, through Saussure’s definition of linguistic sign as a synthesis of signifiant and signifié, draw attention to the importance of language, and recognize semiotic nature of some Qur’an ayats. Ideas and aconstic images like the units of linguistic sign are inseparable. The...
By Amina Pehlić
The game of virtual identities
One of the valid definitions of bio-ethics as integrating biological knowledge with ¨the knowledge about human value systems¨(Van Rensselaer Potter) necessarily refers to a great task confronting this recent science. Accordingly, reflections upon a man-Internet relation seen as a new community and net-ethics meaning searching for ¨conscience¨ of vi...
By Spahija Kozlić
Natural connection between upbringing and education in islamic tradition
Allah’s revelation through the Qur’an and the Messenger, s.a.w.s., is an inexhaustible sea. In this paper we intended these two sources to be dominant. In His Revelation Book Allah says that Ibrahim s.a.w.s. asked Him: "Our Lord! send amongst them an Messenger of their own, who shall rehearse Thy Signs to them and instruct them in scripture and wis...
By Mensur Valjevac
Importance of age-mate relations for a personality development and the relations difficulties
Recent researches show that age-mates are an important agent, not only for personality socializing but also for personality development in general. Age-mate relations are unique because they are characterized by equality (that we cannot find in a parent-child or a teacher-child relation) and reciprocity (an individual is influenced by its age-mates...
By Anela Hasanagić
This paper explains one of the five general Shari‘ah legal principles: “The custom has power of law” (El-‘ādetu muhakkemetun) and it sheds some light on the subordinate principles which are subsumed under it. At the beginning of this paper the origin, the point of reference and the meaning of this principle is explained with a special reference to ...
By Šukrija Ramić
This paper discusses the genesis of the idea of social isolation and the author considers that mass poverty is the key potential for starting social isolation. The universe of poverty variable does not end only with the beginning of social isolation, but it also has some other implications like social reforms failure, small social capital, and low ...
By Šabani Alisabri
Apocryphal traditions, called Hadiths by our people because they are the words and teachings of the Prophet himself, are a part of our daily routine. They ¸flooded even numerous scientific and technical literature, and they are often quoted by highly regarded and respectable intellectuals. This also goes for those circles that should, with the stre...
By Šefik Kurdić
Ahl-sunna wel-jama’at has a specific and recognizable method and rules which applies to studying shariah issues in general, and in particular to Aquida themes. They distinguish it from various sects and fractions. However, the method and rules that were obvious to the followers of ahl-sunna through generations are hardly recognizable today. In the ...
By Zuhdija Adilović
Semiotic nature of islamic art
An art like Islamic, that emerges from the feelings of listening attentively to the persuasions of God’s signs all around present, from the ambiance of reading them, competent understanding and following, can be nothing but a sign. Like natural phenomena, which also are God’s ¨signs¨ or ¨symbols¨ in the world of images, the works of Islamic art do ...
By Nusret Isanović
The wives of Allah’s Messenger s.a.w.s. have a special place and treatment in Islamic tradition. According to the Qur’an they are Umehatu-l-mu’minin (Mothers of the believers): ¨The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their mothers.¨ (El-Ahzab). The Prophet’s wives had a specific treatment after his death too:...
By Safvet Halilović