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Abstract The aim of the research was to examine the attitudes of teachers, parents and students toward the impact of the parent-school cooperation on students' academic achievement. The research sample comprised 100 students, 39 teachers, and 65 parents. A survey method was used to gather data in this research. Within this method three scales were ...

By Amer Ćaro, Selma Turalić

The aim of this study was to determine the quality of integration of Religious education curriculum in primary school curriculum. The method of theoretical analysis and descriptive-analytical survey method were used. A survey of teachers' attitudes was the research technique. The Questionnaire of the quality of integration of subject curriculum in ...

By Izet Pehlić, Emina Grabus

01.12.2007. Review paper Biochemistry

The Noble Qur’an, as the primary source of Islam, speaks about a man (Arab, insan) in its numerous ayats. In fact, a man is the focal point of the Qur’an for everything that’s revealed in the Qur’an is revealed to a man and is about a man. A man, no matter what way we observe him, is the most complex category of existence in this phenomenal world. ...

By Safvet Halilović

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
The role of school in preventing adolescent delinquency

Adolescent delinquency is an increasing problem in all societies. The United Nations recognized this problem as an emergency and in order to prevent this phenomenon they adopted Guidelines for Preventing Adolescent Delinquency in 1990, better known as Rijjad Guidelines. The Guidelines consist of measures for primary, secondary and tertiary preven...

By Suada Buljubašić

Derviš ef. Spahić occupies a special place among Islamic scholars in our region. It is said that great nations have institutions and small – great individuals who ensure the continuation of their nation by their extraordinary sacrifice. This outstanding scholar held speeches, wrote, read and studied, in particular the Qur’an and hadith. He organize...

By Safet Husejnović

In order to light up certain micropedagogical relations in this paper, we try to look at education through the prism of the peculiarities of interaction of essential factors of the educational process - educator and educatee. In doing so, the focus of our interest is on the explanation of educator’s obligations arising from the legality of interper...

By Muamer Neimarlija

01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
French words in the english language

In this article the author describes the influence of the French language on the English language and the influx of French words through the centuries. The author further classifies the French loanwords according to the different branches of social activities. Some words are explained in more detail in order to show their relation to the original F...

By Emina Mandra

I want to make a contribution to understanding the relation between interreligious dialogue and Religious Education based on my own experience of teaching non-confessional Religious Education in Swedish schools, training teachers in Swedish universities for such Religious Education and sharing in Sweden dialogues, rejoicing and disappointment with ...

By Edgar Almen

Legal English is known as a complex language system characterized by the use of formal terminology, complex syntax and a complicated style of writing. However, over the last 40 years legal English has been undergoing reforms which were initiated by the proponents of the Plain English Campaign. The main goal of this movement has been to simplify leg...

By Melisa Okičić

The research examinesthe subjects of guardianship of a minor’s property in the Sharia Law and the Family Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main purpose of the study is to determine the extent to which the normative solutions regarding the subjects of guardianship of a minor are convergant or divergant in the two legal systems. Af...

By Nedim Begović

Journal of University of Zenica