In contrast to the traditional patocentric practice of treating psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, in the modern mental health concept a bio-psycho-social approach is emphasized, being characterized as comprehensive, integrative and above all humane. Psychosocial counseling of schizophrenic patients as a necessary form of intervention occupies an important place within a multiperspective treatment. By the means of a qualitative research method this paper aimed at revealing the subjective counselors’ perspective on the role of psychosocial counseling in the treatment of people with schizophrenia. The participants were experts involved in the field of mental health work with the people with diagnosed schizophrenia. The three expert interviews were conducted and later analyzed by the qualitative method of content analysis (Mayring, 2000). The results indicate that psychosocial counseling of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia presents a particularly important segment of a multiperspective approach in treating this psychotic disorder. The importance of this approach is visible in different contexts and stages in the life of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, because this disease requires a lifelong support, which is, taking into account the symptomatology and clinical presentation, often individualized and primarily directed at overcoming everyday issues with the maximum mobilization of one's resources.
Psychosocial counseling requires specific competences of auxiliary professionals, since it is a form of support interaction based on scientific and practical grounds.
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