Verbs, as the most important open word class, and prepositions, holding the same status among closed classes, are involved into particular syntactic-semantic relations in the Arabic language. Despite that, verbs and prepositions, as meaningful units, have been treated separately in scientific analyses. Relevant classic grammar texts do not offer the answer to the question which specific verbs are associated with specific prepositions, i.e. which prepositions are associated with specific verbal semantic fields. Ideas like these can be found only in some recent linguistic enquiries, which attempt to connect prepositions and verbal semantic fields through research in two directions: analyzing verbs and the related prepositions, on the one hand, and prepositions and the corresponding verbs, on the other hand. The presence of a significant number of verbal triliters in the text of the Qur'an and their associations with prepositions have led to the formation of numerous verbal semantic fields. This paper draws attention to the most frequent semantic field in the Qur'an, the one related to motion verbs.
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Tafsīr al-taḥrīr wa al-tanwīr.
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Al-Zamaḫšarī. Abū al-Qāsim Maḥmūd ibn ʻUmar ibn Muḥammad.
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