The objective of this study was to make a scientific description of motivation factors in maktab teaching by analyzing the attitudes of students, mualims and parents. We supposed that mualims use various strategies and actions to motivate their students. A method of theoretical analysis and a descriptive-analytical method were employed, while the following research instruments were used: 1) a survey exploring the factors students consider important for their motivation in maktab; 2) a survey analyzing the factors that mualims consider important for motivating students in maktab. 3) a nonstandardized interview with students, parents and mualims.
The research sample comprised 65 maktab students, 20 mualims and 5 parents. The findings revealed that students are motivated to attend maktab, and that mualims pursue different strategies and take various actions to motivate their students. As a more relevant finding we emphasize the need for conducting research that would approach this phenomenon in a more focused and thorough way based on the segments of teaching process (taking into account all motivational teaching strategies), and by the use of a standardized research instrument, since some of the current findings raised many open issues related to the quality of motivation in maktab teaching.
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