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By Emina Babić

01.12.2011. Review paper Biochemistry

Islamic scholars agree that without knowing the Arabic language and its disciplines it is impossible to completely understand the Qur’an. In that sense they emphasise that valid are those meanings of the Arabic language from the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, since the Arabic language, as every other language, is capable of changes that are ...

By Safvet Halilović

The familiarity with the problem of social perception ought to be an integral part of individual work with every individual – without which one cannot except success on the level of an individual who is confronting his/her own self, raising the level of correction, learning from earlier experiences or correcting false beliefs. The ability of adequa...

By Amel Alić

Intellect occupies a very important place in Islam. Not one of the past revelations directs our attention to intellect, its role and significance in the life of man, as does the Book of Islam. A superficial glance at a Qur’anic text will reveal verses that end with the words: “… so that you would understand.” “…so that you would think.” “…to those ...

By Zuhdija Adilović

As a global lingua franca, English has become a language of modern technologies, or, more precisely - a language of science and technology in general. Its influence on other languages is constantly growing and, consequently, a number of English loanwords in these languages is growing as well, opening the wide space for emergence of ‘false friends’....

By Aida Tarabar

This paper presents the main methodological features of Abduhu’s school of reformation in the field of tafsir, especially its relation to traditional explanation of Qur’an. There is little doubt that this school, despite the critiques, initiated a range of useful things in Islamic world. Its influences to subsequent generations of scholars, through...

By Safvet Halilović

01.12.2009. Review paper Biochemistry

First pre-Islamic fragments of poetry are registered in the fifth and sixth centuries before the occurrence of Islam. These fragments show a very rich and developed poetic tradition. The Qur`an has a negative attitude towards idolatry and the pre-Islamic poetry and poets excepting those who accepted Islam and continued their poetic journey respec...

By Bilal Hasanović

Language learning beliefs create a considerable impact on the students' behavior, and thus greately affect the final learning outcome. Therefore, there exists a compeling need to explore learners' beliefs, and in particular to specify the stances of those more successful learners, to provide accordingly a better learning envoronment for all student...

By Esma Latić, Vildana Dubravac

01.12.2014. Review paper Biochemistry

Within the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics and the theory of conceptual metaphor, this work analyses a certain number of idioms based on the same metaphor, suggesting that certain processes of world conceptualization and experience are still common for most speakers of one language, or that those processes are common for most members...

By Mersina Šehić, Feđa Imamović

Journal of University of Zenica