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Based on the analysis of the Islamic religious education textbooks, this research aimed to explore the nature of content with respect to its formative and informative character, as well as to investigate the teachers’ stances about the character of the ecology content in the elementary school textbooks of religious education. The starting assumptio...

By Nermin Tufekčić

The paper treats the Arabic love poetry and its main features in the pre-Islamic and Umayyad period. The formation, development and characteristics of this poetry are closely related to the nature of the poet, as well as the place of its origin. Based on this, we distinguish between urban and desert ghazals. From the point of stylistic peculiaritie...

By Semir Rebronja

The official penetration of some elements of Romanticism in Bosniak literature happened during the eighties of the 19th century, following the Austro- Hungarian occupation and the period of so-called deaf era in Bosniak literary creation. However, it would be wrong to conclude that the contribution of Bosniak tradition to the corpus of oral literat...

By Ibnel Ramić

This paper considers the issue of interpretation (ta’weel) of original texts of Shari’ah in the spirit of traditional teaching. In the introduction the author emphasises the significance of knowing this issue through history and present day. After explaining linguistic meaning, the author describes a meaning of ta’weel in the tradition of selefus-s...

By Šukrija Ramić

This paper presents a part of the theoretical and empirical research related to the topic of lifelong learning in the context of sustainable development. In order to contribute to the acceptance of the global concept of sustainability and its implementation in practice, in the theoretical part we define the term sustainable development, and we emph...

By Fatima Muhamedagić, Amir Đulić

01.12.2019. Review paper Biochemistry

Over time with the development of human society, besides communication, language started being used in other domains, the media being one of them. Language, as the main means of the media, and the media through which language is spread and popularized among people are closely related and complementary. Media Arabic, which appeared with the foundati...

By Amrudin Hajrić

This scientific paper presents the research of canonical relation between dimensions of religiosity and marital quality. The research included 120 participants (60 Muslim heterosexual married couples, ranging in age from 30 to 55 years). Research instruments used were the Questionnaire on Religiosity and its influence upon daily life (Ćorić, 1998)...

By Almira Isić

In the introduction the author of the article (lecture) revives the issue of the importance of dialogue and points to the growing complexity of challenges facing dialogue, and in particular interreligious dialogue, in the contemporary society. The article focuses on several important issues underlying interreligious dialogue. Thus, in the introduct...

By Valentina Mandarić

A new strategic management system, if it’s adequately implemented, can change an entire organization in a way to became more effective and efficient, and the most of strategic management authors and practicers agree that implementation of an organizational strategy is more difficult than its formulation. In today’s dynamic, highly competitive envir...

By Elvir Čizmić, Izet Pehlić

At the end of his Prophetic mission, the 10th year of hijrah, Allah's Prophet, Muhammad, saws, performed hajj. It was the only hajj performed by the noble Prophet, saws. Since he passed away returning to the Creator (“Ila al-Rafiq al-'Ala”) soon after the hajj, it is called the Farewell pilgrimage (hajj) of the Prophet, saws. The Prophet also held ...

By Esmir Halilović

Journal of University of Zenica