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In generative grammar, questions with wh-question word in the English language are usually named wh-questions, because all wh-words, with the exception of ‘how’, begin with consonants ‘wh’ in written English. However, a further distinction needs to be made between wh-questions in which wh-word has the grammatical function of being the subject and t...

By Amna Brdarević-Čeljo

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

Dizzing changes characterize our everyday life. Although it may seem that changes are general in the formal organization of schooling system, they are not as noticable as in other life segments. Nevertheless, they directly affect schools and their key factors: children – teachers – curricula – parents. As a result, there is the issue of the need of...

By Nezir Halilović

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Methods in logodidactics

We learn how to speak as we learn anything else in our life. The possibility of occurrence of speech deformities that are difficult to correct is decreased when the development of speech is planned and done systemically. Even in preletter phase of study children should be trained to communicate fluently, correctly and nicely. Basic speech component...

By Hazema Ništović

The paper aims to present the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics, the instruments for investigating and measuring the forms of self-presentation, as well as the determinants of self-presentation. The paper presents and describes the taxonomies of self-presentation tactics developed by Jones and Pittman (1982), Tedeschi (1981), Tedeschi, Lindsk...

By Almira Isić-Imamović

The aim of the research is to determine the overall presence of Orientalisms in the textbook of Islamic religious education for the eight grade, as well as the most common context of their use, the exact number of Arabisms in the total corpus of marked Orientalisms, and the percentage of Arabisms in relation to marked Orientalisms. On the other han...

By Ismet Burajić

Allah’s revelation through the Qur’an and the Messenger, s.a.w.s., is an inexhaustible sea. In this paper we intended these two sources to be dominant. In His Revelation Book Allah says that Ibrahim s.a.w.s. asked Him: "Our Lord! send amongst them an Messenger of their own, who shall rehearse Thy Signs to them and instruct them in scripture and wis...

By Mensur Valjevac

It has been noted that without the appropriate adverbial modification some passive participles are not acceptable in the attributive position in English: e.g. *a found suitcase, *a killed young man, *a built apartment block, as opposed to some passive participles that are not subject to this restriction: e.g. an abandoned village, a complicated man...

By Kamiah Arnaut-Karović

This paper presents a part of the theoretical and empirical research related to the topic of lifelong learning in the context of sustainable development. In order to contribute to the acceptance of the global concept of sustainability and its implementation in practice, in the theoretical part we define the term sustainable development, and we emph...

By Fatima Muhamedagić, Amir Đulić

01.12.2019. Review paper Biochemistry

Over time with the development of human society, besides communication, language started being used in other domains, the media being one of them. Language, as the main means of the media, and the media through which language is spread and popularized among people are closely related and complementary. Media Arabic, which appeared with the foundati...

By Amrudin Hajrić

This scientific paper presents the research of canonical relation between dimensions of religiosity and marital quality. The research included 120 participants (60 Muslim heterosexual married couples, ranging in age from 30 to 55 years). Research instruments used were the Questionnaire on Religiosity and its influence upon daily life (Ćorić, 1998)...

By Almira Isić

Journal of University of Zenica