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01.12.2019. Review paper Biochemistry

The aim of the paper was to present five models explaining the structure of child temperament, to point to the determinants of child temperament as well as the methods and the importance of determining characteristics of child temperament types. The paper describes five models or theoretical approaches explaining the structure of child temperament,...

By Almira Isić-Imamović

01.12.2011. Review paper Biochemistry

Social issue is one of the most prominent issues of the modern age. Moreover, when Muslim history is critically examined, it is noticed that this issue was a stumbling-stone or a touchstone for the Muslim mind in numerous stages of history. Muslim believers were always, more or less involved in social and political life of their Muslim community wh...

By Esmir Halilović

Being a Qur’anic-Hadith category the interpretations of dreams is also a part of Islamic belief and practice. Dreams are not connected to people but to their meaning and as such they must not be a reason for repulsing people. Generally speaking, all dreams should be positively interpreted. Making up and magnifying dreams is a great sin. Bad dreams ...

By Mensur Valjevac

01.12.2002. Review paper Biochemistry
Abu Huraira r.a. – the greatest transferor of hadith

From the aforementioned it can be concluded that Abu Hurajrah r.a. with his spiritual, physical and intellectual characteristics, really deserves the epithet of one of the most famous and most recognized friends of Allah’s Prophet, p.b.u.h. The facts presented in this paper deny, in the best way, statement made by Abu Rayya and some other orientali...

By Šefik Kurdić

Insights into relevant scientific theoretical sources have indicated the existence of educational values of musical content, since it evokes emotions, and various emotions stimulate different thoughts, reactions and behavior. Furthermore, it has been concluded that music education presents an important part of overall esthetic and artistic educatio...

By Kristina Prkić-Palavra, Izet Pehlić

Qira’ats are not just strict, patterned forms of reading and writing of the Qur’anic text. On the contrary, qira’ats play an important role in studying the semantics of the Qur’an, its words and expressions. At the level of Islamic law, tafsir and qira’ats have played a decisive role in theoretical concretization of Shariah norms contained in the t...

By Safet Husejnović

The aim of this short essay is to present an attempt to redefine conceptual distinction between civic and ethnic nationalism through a Rogers Brubaker’s dissertation, as well as to extend and deepen the publics’ interest in this American author. Brubaker works as a sociology department head at the University of Los Angeles. He has written many book...

By Šaćir Filandra

I want to make a contribution to understanding the relation between interreligious dialogue and Religious Education based on my own experience of teaching non-confessional Religious Education in Swedish schools, training teachers in Swedish universities for such Religious Education and sharing in Sweden dialogues, rejoicing and disappointment with ...

By Edgar Almen

Legal English is known as a complex language system characterized by the use of formal terminology, complex syntax and a complicated style of writing. However, over the last 40 years legal English has been undergoing reforms which were initiated by the proponents of the Plain English Campaign. The main goal of this movement has been to simplify leg...

By Melisa Okičić

The research examinesthe subjects of guardianship of a minor’s property in the Sharia Law and the Family Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main purpose of the study is to determine the extent to which the normative solutions regarding the subjects of guardianship of a minor are convergant or divergant in the two legal systems. Af...

By Nedim Begović

Journal of University of Zenica