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01.12.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
The influence of qira’at on war law regulations

Islam is primarily the religion of peace, it promotes love and obedience to the Supreme Lord, and then love and respect towards His creatures, and particularly humans as the most eminent creatures. Allah, the Exalted, vehemently condemns unlawful taking of other being’s life. Moreover, the Qur’an rejects the excessive use of force in retaliating ag...

By Safet Husejnović

This paper aims to provide a brief overview of the past studies on negation, starting from Jespersen (1917) to the more recent ones that are elaborated within the generative grammar and based on Klima (1964). In the work of Klima (1964) and all subsequent works on the grammar of negation, such as Lasnik (1972), Pollock (1989), Laka (1990), Progovac...

By Melisa Bureković

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
Through the prism of linguistic sign

This paper shortly presents some observations on a sign in general in order to, through Saussure’s definition of linguistic sign as a synthesis of signifiant and signifié, draw attention to the importance of language, and recognize semiotic nature of some Qur’an ayats. Ideas and aconstic images like the units of linguistic sign are inseparable. The...

By Amina Pehlić

01.12.2017. Review paper Biochemistry

Qira'ats present a very significant study of the Qur'an in terms of understanding and interpreting the Qur'anic text. They are not only exotic styles of voice variations and modulation, but an integral part of the language of the Qur'an, its lexical, morphological and syntactic structure. Understanding that aspect is a prerequisite for a correct in...

By Safet Husejnović

The aim of this paper was to carry out a socio-pedagogical analysis of peer violence, the quality of high school students’ family and school life, and to examine the relationship between peer violence and the quality of family and school life among high school students. The research was conducted employing a method of theoretical analysis and a des...

By Emina Babić, Izet Pehlić

Inside the Ghazi Husrev-beg’s Library is a manuscripts under the reference number 6966 which hasn’t been studied to date and as such is unknown to the wider reading public. On this occasion we are presenting it to the public for the first time. The manuscript is entitled Unvanul-hikme vel-mevizatul-hasene. It was written by Muhammed El-Handži el-Bo...

By Halil Mehtić

Mehmed ef. Handžić (1906-1944) is a unique Bosnian alim (scholar) who wrote great many diverse works. His uniqueness lies partly in his being the only one, in the modern history of Bosnian Muslims, who annotated the Noble Qur’an in Arabic and who treated only the ayats with Shari’ah (legal) themes (ajatul-ahkam). In the field of Taffssir his most i...

By Halil Mehtić

Created in the 7th century, Uzrit love poetry or desert love poetry is inspired by love. It is named after the tribe to which poet Džemil (Ğamīl), one of the most famous love poets, belonged. In these poems, a lover spends his whole life in longing and absence, yearning for his beloved one. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centu...

By Semir Rebronja

Hasan Kafi Pruščak is one of the greatest scholars coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was educated in Prusac, Sarajevo and Istanbul. He served in several places as a kadi and muderris. He participated in a few crusades and battles. He wrote 20 works among which the most famous, the most rewritten and the most commented is the work under the tit...

By Esmir Halilović

01.12.2014. Review paper Biochemistry

Homesickness is a common feeling for most students, especially those who experience the separation from their own homes for the first time. It is known that some personality traits are associated with adjusting to the new situation, and when we talk about the separation from home and adapting to the new environment, we assume that one of the import...

By Anela Hasanagić, Seniha Busra Asici

Journal of University of Zenica