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This paper attempts to explore the issue of multifunctional interpretation of syntactic elements in Arabic grammar. Thus, the aim of the research is to investigate the reasons underlying different grammatical interpretation of the same syntactic element in Arabic grammar. The focus is on an indefinite noun in the accusative case, which performs var...

By Mithat Jugo

This paper analyzes morphological and semantic characteristics of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections in the philological encyclopedia Dîvânü Lügâti’t-Türk by Mahmud al-Kashgari. The analysis of grammatical and semantic structures of postpositions, conjunctions and interjections is based on an analytical and descriptive research method an...

By Edina Solak, Mirza Bašić

01.12.2002. Review paper Biochemistry
Interpretation of Fatiha and its meaning in prayer

El-Fatiha is considered to be the most chosen sura in Islam. The very fact that it is inevitably recited at any prayer and at any rak’a shows its significance and universality. The most beautiful form of gratitude to the Lord of worlds is expressed in it. Reciting it in a modest manner, we call our Creator with his Beautiful Names: Allāh, Rabb, Ra...

By Halil Mehtić

This paper aims to stress the importance of building rapport with young EFL (English as a foreign language) learners and to investigate the connection between student-teacher rapport and students’ achievement in an EFL classroom. It also treats some methods and approaches that should be used when teaching young language learners with respect to the...

By Lejla Žunić-Rizvić, Vildana Dubravac

The expansion of psychologists’ interests, for religious aspects of human existence, appeared a few decades ago, which is quite surprising, considering presumed importance of a religious domain in human life. However, despite a great interest for the phenomenon of religiosity this expansion in scientific study of religiosity did not bring any impor...

By Dženan Skelić

01.12.2012. Review paper Biochemistry

Through the architecture of mausoleum, the world will get to know some of the most magnificent works of Islamic art, which sometimes forms the impression that “beauty in itself carries the power of survival” (Malraux) and that by the sublimity and completeness of its aesthetic and artistic expression it justifies immortality. Some of these works o...

By Nusret Isanović

Verbs, as the most important open word class, and prepositions, holding the same status among closed classes, are involved into particular syntactic-semantic relations in the Arabic language. Despite that, verbs and prepositions, as meaningful units, have been treated separately in scientific analyses. Relevant classic grammar texts do not offer th...

By Zehra Alispahić

Social work services should be a basic indicator of the life quality of people in a certain society, but also an indicator of the level of social and economic rights fulfillment. However, the fulfillment of the aforementioned rights and the availability of social work services depend on the socio-economic development of a country and a series of ch...

By Sabira Gadžo-Šašić

As a basic element of grammatical predicate category, the nominal sentence predicate in literary arabic language is specified by important structural, morphological and syntactict features. These faetures result from traditional rules deep rooted in arabic syntax, according to them the arabic grammarians in their general sentence classification int...

By Mejra Softić

01.12.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
Classes appraoch to qira’at in Ibn Kesir’s tafsir

This paper discusses Ibn Kesir’s approach to Qira’at in Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Azim. In addition to the author’s biography in the introductory part, we emphasized the scientific significance of Ibn Kesir’s Tafsir, the status it has among classical tafsir works, as well as its presence in the local tradition of interpreting the Qur’an. In the main part...

By Dževad Šošić

Journal of University of Zenica