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Since Ilhamija is one of the most influential personalities of Bosnian culture at the end of Otoman period learning his intelectual and spiritual exertion becomes necessary in order to better undertand his importance for total social and cultural flow in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time. Applying the deconstructional method of text analysis, Il...

By Sedad Dizdarević

Within the methodological framework of a phono-stylistic analysis, with respect to one of its two main aspects, this paper offers an analysis of assonance and alliteration in English translations of the Bosniak ballad "Hasanaginica". Taking into account the limited scope of this paper, we analyzed these figures of sound on the examples of introduct...

By Amina Arnautović

01.12.2003. Review paper Biochemistry
The first islamic educational survey (1910-1911)

The Islamic educational poll (expert board) had the task of studying and offering solutions to a number of religious-educational and general educational questions in the field of elementary education, of which some had been ‘inviolable’ for centuries – such as secular education of female Muslim children, considering that strong opposition from pare...

By Bilal Hasanović

The aim of this paper was to explore the accent of disyllabic feminine nouns of e-declension with a short ascending accent (type vòda and type žèna) in contemporary Bosnian standard language reference books and the standard language use, given the previously observed tendency towards losing accent alternations in a paradigm. Based on the comparati...

By Amina Pehlić

The passing of Dr. Teufik Muftic is an irretrievable loss, considering that he was the author of very valuable scholarly works in the field of study and understanding of Arabic. His prolific scholarly works are important for many fields, especially in the field of textbooks for the study of Arabic, writing of research works in Arabic and the gramma...

By Mehmed Kico

This paper considers the issue of interpretation (ta’weel) of original texts of Shari’ah in the spirit of traditional teaching. In the introduction the author emphasises the significance of knowing this issue through history and present day. After explaining linguistic meaning, the author describes a meaning of ta’weel in the tradition of selefus-s...

By Šefik Kurdić

The aim of this paper was by relying on the relevant theoretical sources to enlighten the role and significance of counting-out rhymes in the development of preschool children’s musical abilities. The starting point was the fact that contemporary music pedagogy more often maintains the stance that all children are quite musically talented and capab...

By Indira Meškić

This paper presents a short overview of the history of the English language and its expansion through borrowing of words from other languages. The borrowed words are referred to as ‘loanwords’. Unlike any other language, English vocabulary consists of 70% ‘loan words’. The history of English and thus ‘borrowing’ is divided into four periods: Old E...

By Muhamed Pašanbegović

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

In this paper, we present the origins of Hadith sciences or the Terminology of Hadith derived from the Qur'anic and Sunna sources which are the primary sources of all Islamic sciences. We write about an obligation to follow the Sunna, and the relation of the sciences with other Islamic disciplines. The importance of the study of the sciences, that ...

By Esmir Halilović

The review of the book „The importance of connectedness in student-teacher relationships: insights from the teacher connectedness project“ by Irene García-Moya Prikaz knjige „Važnost povezanosti u učitelj-učenik odnosima: uvid iz projekta povezanost učitelja“ autorice Irene García-Moya...

By Edina Nikšić-Rebihić

Journal of University of Zenica