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01.12.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
The influence of qira’at on war law regulations

Islam is primarily the religion of peace, it promotes love and obedience to the Supreme Lord, and then love and respect towards His creatures, and particularly humans as the most eminent creatures. Allah, the Exalted, vehemently condemns unlawful taking of other being’s life. Moreover, the Qur’an rejects the excessive use of force in retaliating ag...

By Safet Husejnović

This paper aims to provide a brief overview of the past studies on negation, starting from Jespersen (1917) to the more recent ones that are elaborated within the generative grammar and based on Klima (1964). In the work of Klima (1964) and all subsequent works on the grammar of negation, such as Lasnik (1972), Pollock (1989), Laka (1990), Progovac...

By Melisa Bureković

This paper discusses the theoretical construct of social climate in prison within penal institutions whose significance was emphasised by R. H. Moos in many of his works. The social climate of a penal institution is defined as the totality of mutual relations between prisoners and as their relationship to the institution, taking into account the im...

By Alisabri Šabani

Although Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Afghani (1254 1314/1838 1897) hadn’t written his own tafseer, with his works and association with others he had greatly influenced the mufassirs, whose interpretation of the Qur’an had, in many ways, marked the 14th according to hijra / 20th century. Namely, those mufassir, in the first place, include Shaikh Muhammad A...

By Mensur Valjevac

Ḥasan ibn Muṣṭafā al-Būsnawī al-Madanī, Hasan Bošnjak, was born in Medina in the last decade of the 12th century AH, and he wrote in the first half of the 13th century (the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century). With regards to the year of Hasan Bošnjak’s death, we might assume that he died in the mid-13th century AH. Analyzing hi...

By Semir Rebronja

Qur’anic terms de'ā, jed'ū, da'vetun, du'āu and their derived forms have been used in over two hundred ayats that speak about belief in Allah, Righteous Path and Truth. In these ayats people are invited to advocate Truth, to do good deeds, and to avow that they are Muslims. They emphasize Allah’s closeness to people. He requests for people to addr...

By Bilal Hasanović

01.12.2002. Review paper Biochemistry
Development of educational institutions in Islam

This work gives a short survey on formation of institutions in which knowledge was acquired and spread, during the Islam history. It mentions an embryo from which all types of such institutions developed : 1. Teaching basic principles of the faith and hadīth which it initiates 2. Khaliph Omar (r.a.). The teaching took place in mosques built in newl...

By Muhamed Busuladžić

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper is the adapted and extended version of the bachelor’s work of our student Eldar Ćerim supervised by professor Edina Vejo and assistant professor Elma Begagić. The paper presents the results of several research studies (Bazrafshan, Jahangir & Shokrpour, 2017; Cox, 2011; Pirner, 2017; Williams & Lindsey, 2005) showing the nature of...

By Eldar Ćerim, Edina Vejo, Elma Begagić

Even though shaykh Halid effendi Salihagić was not known to public, he made a great contribution to preserving and developing religiosity and spirituality in our area, between the last two wars. His difficult life and trials have not prevented the development of his personal religiosity and spirituality, as well as his influence on his disciples an...

By Mensur Valjevac

Theoretical and empiric research results prove that noise harms not only physical but also mental health of people. Long exposition to strong noise provokes inner tension and anxiety, which often leads to damage of organ of hearing. The consequences of noise are obvious in neuro-vegetative disorder. People exposed to the noise, which is beyond poss...

By Ismet Dizdarević

Journal of University of Zenica