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This paper investigates how successful B2 level English language learners (ELLs), high school students are in translating a group of most common false friends (FFs) from English to BCS and vice versa and examines whether they are more successful in translating absolute or partial FFs. In line with the classification by Otwinowska-Kasztelanic (2015...

By Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Melisa Bureković, Adnan Bujak

This paper is a review article providing an overview of five methods of English language teaching: Grammar-Translation Method (GTM), Direct Method, Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). For each method, a brief historical background is provided, followed by the aims, principles, techniq...

By Melisa Bureković, Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Melisa Pilav

This corpus-based study focuses on the nine English central modal verbs (can, could, will, would, may, might, shall, should, and must) across the two chosen genres of the COCA corpus – Spoken and Academic genres, which show the greatest number of differences in terms of genre characteristics, such as formality or intended audience. Because research...

By Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Đelaludina Šukalić

Journal of University of Zenica