Juvenile delinquency is one of serious problems in our society. The problem of recidivism (reversion) is becoming more present among juvenile delinquents. Causes of recidivism should be sought among factors that lead to juvenile delinquency, but in/appropriate social reaction should be pointed out as well. The reason for not facing this problem more seriously is usually found in a shortage of adequate institutions, particularly juvenile prisons. However, there are no serious debates on the functioning of current institutions and on effects of resocialisation. The data indicate that a number of recidivists grew for 13.4% in 2010, compared with 2007. Our criminal justice introduced pedagogical recommendations such as the diversion program, i.e. redirection program, by which it is becoming closer to standards of developed countries in respect to their social reaction to juvenile offenders. The purpose of the program is to deal with a juvenile delinquent with different measures in order to resocialize him/her, but without criminal procedure, by which stigmatization is avoided. Nevertheless, there are numerous obstacles for practicing this program.
Keywords: juvenile delinquency, recidivism, criminal offences, social reaction, family, pedagogical recommendations, criminal sanctions, resocialisation, juveniles, criminally irresponsible persons
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