Mehmed ef. Handžić (1906-1944) is a unique Bosnian alim (scholar)
who wrote great many diverse works. His uniqueness lies partly in his
being the only one, in the modern history of Bosnian Muslims, who
annotated the Noble Qur’an in Arabic and who treated only the ayats
with Shari’ah (legal) themes (ajatul-ahkam). In the field of Taffssir his
most important annotations are: surahs Al-Bakare and An-Nisa’. While
annotating these surahs he relied on annotations of eminent mufessirs
such as: Taberya, Jessas, Ibnul-‘Arebya, Kurtuby, Alusy, Zamahshery,
Razya; Baydavya, Ibn Kesir, etc. Among the above mufessirs there are
representatives of traditional, rational and linguistic method of
interpreting the Qur’an. This proves the fact that Handžić made a good
synthesis of those three taffssir methods in his interpretation of the
Qur’an. Beside the mentioned taffssirs, Handžić often used other sources
like hadith, fikh linguistic works. In terms of linguistics he heavily relied
on the works of Az-Zejaj, Ar-Ragib, Sibevayh, Ferra’ Halavayh and other
well-known linguists. Analyzing is interpretations of the Al-Bakare and
An-Nisa’ surahs, it is obvious that he very often treats some linguistic
grammar issues in order to improve his understanding of certain words
and expressions. In the field of language Handžić paid special attention
to: etymology, polysemy, grammar and inflections, stylistics as well as
Arab poetry.
Keywords: Language and linguistic disciplines, Quran, Mehmed Handzic
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Ibnul-‘Imad. Šezeratuz-zeheb fi ahbar men zeheb” Daru bin Kesir.
Handžić Mehmed, autograph “Zadul-Muslim fima ittefeka aleji Buhari ve Muslim”, broj 2650 koji se čuva u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci.
Mehmed Handžić, autograph “Tefsiru ajatil-ahkami min suretinnisa’, broj 996 koji se čuva u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci.
Mehmed Handžić, autograph “Unwan-al-hikmah wa al-mawizah alhasanah”, broj 6966 koji se čuva u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci.
Mehmed Handžić, autograph “Mukaddimetul-hadisi vet-tefsiri”, broj 6967 koji se čuva u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci.
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Salih S. Mebahis fi ‘ulumil-Kur’an”, Darul-‘ilm lil-melajin, osamnaesto izdanje.
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