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Ebu Hanife, Malik, Shafiya and Ahmad are the leading spirits of Islamic thought. Their reasoning in the domain of Shari’ah made them the unavoidable sources for all generations of Muslims throughout history. The most obvious proof for that is the four great law schools that have endured the time and that had been founded and defined by these four g...

By Šefik Kurdić

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
The game of virtual identities

One of the valid definitions of bio-ethics as integrating biological knowledge with ¨the knowledge about human value systems¨(Van Rensselaer Potter) necessarily refers to a great task confronting this recent science. Accordingly, reflections upon a man-Internet relation seen as a new community and net-ethics meaning searching for ¨conscience¨ of vi...

By Spahija Kozlić

The aim of this paper is to explore mental health challenges (operationally defined primarily through the DASS questionnaire – depression, anxiety and stress), but also the social aspect of individual stability due to the pandemic among educators in Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into account the fact that kindergartens did not work, that some educ...

By Muharem Adilović, Amina Odobašić, Aldina Leto

01.12.2002. Review paper Biochemistry
The Bosniacs and Bosnian language

The paper discusses Bosniaks as territorially, historically, linguistically and civilizationally transparent and authentic people of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the place of Bosnian language in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina. It points out the significance of extralinguistic factors that shape Bosnian language and its speakers. The pape...

By Naila Valjevac

The concept of education for development is, like all other concepts of education, subject to numerous contemporary attempts of redefining which are often determined by different pragmatic-ideological requirements, so it is possible that this very important concept becomes the opposite of itself. Therefore, this paper analyzes the education for dev...

By Adnan Tufekčić

According to the teaching of the Qur`an, Islam is, primarily, obedience to Allah and voluntary subordination to His will and regulations. The Qur`an points out that all the unpleasant things which man experiences in his life are results of his misdoings, which are as such, inconsistent with Allah's order and the laws prescribed by Him. Islamic inj...

By Safvet Halilović

The aim of the paper is to make a comparative analysis of the quality of leadership among imams and religion teachers, i.e. based on the attitudes of imams and religion teachers to conclude whether there is a difference in the frequency of application of different leadership styles. We used a method of theoretical analysis, a descriptive-analytical...

By Derviš Vrešlija, Safet Beganović

The paper treats the notion of religious upbringing and its presence in schooling systems of European countries and in the schooling system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A school subject that treats the field of religious upbringing in educational systems in Europe has different names, and in our speaking area that subject is called ‘religious studies...

By Admir Čerim

In the introduction the author of the article (lecture) revives the issue of the importance of dialogue and points to the growing complexity of challenges facing dialogue, and in particular interreligious dialogue, in the contemporary society. The article focuses on several important issues underlying interreligious dialogue. Thus, in the introduct...

By Valentina Mandarić

Journal of University of Zenica