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The work on iqtiḍāun-naṣṣ explores the theoretical interpretations of Ḥanafi scholars in relation to the necessarily assumed meaning of the legislative text (iqtiḍāun-naṣṣ) and the consequences of such an interpretation on the regulations to which the Ḥanafis came in their legal reasoning (ijtihād). At the beginning of the paper, the linguistic and...

By Šukrija Ramić

The paper presents sociological views on identity from terminological ambiguity to theoretical and functional openness in accordance with the needs of the individual and the society that is changing and evolving. From an interactionist point of view, identity is formed through communication and action; in the structuralist sense, it represents the ...

By Melisa Zukić

Exploring the attitudes of students and teachers of Islamic religion, this study aimed to determine the characteristics of the implementation of cooperative learning in comparison to traditional teaching in elementary schools. The research was based on the assumption that there are some features of cooperative learning which make it more effective ...

By Hasudin Atanović, Esad Memić

Based on insights from earlier research, it was found that the quality of school life can be a factor in the prevention of peer violence among students, which was the basis for the selection of this research problem. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of elementary and high school students about the quality of school life and to est...

By Ermin Vučkić, Izet Pehlić

The aim of this research was to establish the relationship between social support and juvenile delinquent behavior after the juvenile delinquents’ assessment of the quality of social support. The research was carried out employing a method of theoretical analysis and a descriptive-analytical survey method. A Social Support Scale (Abbey, Abramis and...

By Jakub Hasić, Izet Pehlić, Suad Orlić

Traditionally, lexicography and lexicology are considered to be the most developed disciplines in Arabic linguistics. During pre-Islamic period, Arabs were very concerned the the protection of the original Arabic vocabulary, and in the first centuries of an Islam expansion, the vocabulary of the literary arabic language was collected and compiled...

By Mejra Softić

The paper presents the way in which libraries of religious schools – madrassas operate and whether their work is satisfactory and in accordance with the standards. The results, which were obtained by administering a survey, will be presented and analyzed in detail, along with guidelines and instructions on how to change the current situation and to...

By Ejla Ćurovac


By Mehmed Kico, Samir Beglerović

01.12.2011. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper examines the treatment of copyright under Shari’ah law. In the first part of the paper, occasions and time in which copyright is mentioned are indicated, as well as the first works on copyright in Shari’ah law. Then, the three institutions which apply collective ijtihaad are presented, as well as their attitudes towards the copyright iss...

By Ahmed Purdić

01.12.2017. Review paper Biochemistry

Tesawwuf is an authentic Islamic science like fiqh, tafsir, hadith, and similar. Tasawwuf is not mysticism, nor philosophy, but the essence of Islamic spirituality. Gnosis and education are its two main determinants, so it is embedded in the core of the Islamic concept of education. This was confirmed by Gazi-Husrev bey, a founder of high religious...

By Mensur Valjevac, Mina Valjevac

Journal of University of Zenica