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01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
Violence and victimization among age-mates

The problem of violence among students is becoming more serious and it grips teachers, pedagogues and psychologists all over the world. The prevalence of violence is increasing every day and it assumes even greater negative effects. Violent behavior can cause many consequences such as: loneliness, depressive quality, sadness, fear, insecurity, low ...

By Anela Hasanagić

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

Shaih Se’id Havva is an outstanding personality among contemporary Islamic scholars. With his total commitment, and especially his written works, he gave crucial contribution to the affirmation of contemporary Islam and Islamic thought. Living in the 20th century, the time of great turmoil, he truly identified himself with the problems that contemp...

By Safvet Halilović

01.12.2016. Review paper Biochemistry

The peace treaty between hadrat Hasan and hadrat Muawiya brought peace to a new Islamic state. According to it, the authority was supposed to be given to hadrat Hasan after hadrat Muawiya, who could not name the commander of the faithful after himself. However, hadrat Muawiya did not adhere to the treaty, but introduced a hereditary monarchy and na...

By Mina Valjevac, Mensur Valjevac

Since Ilhamija is one of the most influential personalities of Bosnian culture at the end of Otoman period learning his intelectual and spiritual exertion becomes necessary in order to better undertand his importance for total social and cultural flow in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time. Applying the deconstructional method of text analysis, Il...

By Sedad Dizdarević

Within the methodological framework of a phono-stylistic analysis, with respect to one of its two main aspects, this paper offers an analysis of assonance and alliteration in English translations of the Bosniak ballad "Hasanaginica". Taking into account the limited scope of this paper, we analyzed these figures of sound on the examples of introduct...

By Amina Arnautović

After the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1878), Muslims in B&H undergo great social, political and cultural changes. Numerous cultural, political and economic relations between Bosniacs and far away centers of Islamic, political and cultural life of the Islamic world were almost broken. Bosnian Muslims were f...

By Bilal Hasanović

Very little literature is devoted to the effects of social risks in the social organization of the skyscrapers that are consistently associated with social disorganization. Some studies prove that crime, for example, as an aspect of social disorganization, strengthens the energy of a community, while others show that it leads to fragmentation. Draw...

By Alisabri Šabani

01.12.2013. Review paper Biochemistry

Throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina there are pilgrimage sites which Muslims visit from the middle of spring to late autumn. Although a lot has been written about pilgrimage sites, those are mainly press reports on the number of visitors and program content of the sites, and repeated reminders on folk tradition about a particular pilgrimage site, so ...

By Elvir Duranović

This paper presents the author’s ideas about a possibility of questioning consensus (ijmā’) of Islamic scholars, validity of those consensuses and authenticity of statements found in Islamic writings. In that sense, broad guidelines are presented at the end of the paper. Those guidelines can be of great help to contemporary Islamic scholars for bui...

By Šurkija Ramić

Islam emphasizes the importance of marriage which is a prerequisite for forming a healthy family which, then, presents the foundation, the pillar, the basis of every society. Thus, marriage has a special place in Islam. However, it can also be exposed to various challenges and temptations which, ultimately, can disrupt relationships within the marr...

By Safet Husejnović

Journal of University of Zenica