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The aim of this paper was to investigate the types of errors occurring in the speech of children before starting school, and in that regard to highlight the educators’ role in stimulating the proper speech development of children in a preschool institution. The study included sixty children from the older kindergarten group at the Public Institutio...

By Aida Teljigović, Amina Pehlić

The paper discussed a complex and insufficiently researched social phenomenon, namely violence against the elderly. The aim of the research was to describe, investigate and explain the social causes of violence against the elderly, and to offer proposals for solving the phenomenon of violence against the elderly in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The follo...

By Sena Družić, Smaila Balić-Rahmanović

Parents’ attitudes are an important prerequisite for successful realization of inclusive processes. This paper presents results of attitudes of 236 parents (22 parents of students with special needs and 214 parents of regular students), according to educational inclusion. The study was carried out in twelve schools in the area of Zenica, two school...

By Muharem Adilović

Procrastination and anxiety are phenomena that are associated with the lives of many people, especially students. It is quite logical to assume that students, who procrastinate, have a higher degree of anxiety. The aim of this study was to examine whether procrastination and anxiety were related variables, as well as to determine whether there were...

By Anela Hasanagić, Cemile Busra Ogulmus

The aim of the current paper is to compare the reception of the Qur’an and Hadith texts related to science in the classical and modern world of Islamic culture. For this purpose, we have made the reinterpretation of certain texts related to science, within the constituent sources of Islam, the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w.s., on the one ...

By Muamer Neimarlija

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

We encounter songs about a disguised girl in our oral tradition throughout the history of its recording – from Erlangen Manuscript, over Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic's collection, to the collections made in the second half of the twentieth century. In those songs a girl disguises as a man in most cases to replace her aged father in a battle. She fights ...

By Ibnel Ramić

Muhammed Seid Serdarević belongs to the respected Serdarević family of Zenica, the family that gave the medresah in Zenica some distinguished alims, Muhammed Seid Serdarevic being one of them. He went to school in Sarajevo, and graduated from Gazi-Husrevbey’s hanihak and Daru-l-mu’allimin where he stood out for above-average intelligence. Thanks to...

By Bilal Hasanović

This paper elaborates ten crucial principles that should be the basis for ijjtihad in Islamic law (Fikh): 1. the principle of active ijjtihad, 2. the principle of considering the entire fikh heritage and braking loose with a blind devotion to any of the mezhebs, 3. the principle of understanding the essence of life conditions and circumstances, 4. ...

By Šukrija Ramić

The aim of this study was to determine and examine students’ metaphorical perceptions of a “music lesson” in different high school grade levels. The research method was designed following a qualitative research approach while a phenomenological design was used. The research study group consisted of 305 high school students selected by a purposeful ...

By Mehmet Mustafa Budak, Zühal Dinç Altun, Yiğit Dorukan DİNÇ, Cüneyt Dursun ÖZÇAĞ

01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
Ahl-sunna methodology of the study of aquida issues

Ahl-sunna has a specific and recognizable method as well as rules it applies to studying shariah issues in general, and especially to aquida themes that distinguish it from various sects and factions. However, today the method and rules that were clear to the members of ahl-sunna through generations are almost unknown. For that reason some of the r...

By Zuhdija Adilović

Journal of University of Zenica