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Based on insights from earlier research, it was found that the quality of school life can be a factor in the prevention of peer violence among students, which was the basis for the selection of this research problem. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of elementary and high school students about the quality of school life and to est...

By Ermin Vučkić, Izet Pehlić

The aim of this research was to establish the relationship between social support and juvenile delinquent behavior after the juvenile delinquents’ assessment of the quality of social support. The research was carried out employing a method of theoretical analysis and a descriptive-analytical survey method. A Social Support Scale (Abbey, Abramis and...

By Jakub Hasić, Izet Pehlić, Suad Orlić

In architecture, human need to be a man is most vividly realized, but his desire for beauty, perfection and universality is projected as well. It encompasses his thoughts about the Supreme, himself and the universe, and expresses “an objective identity of a concept and things”. This paper develops a discourse on architecture as a universal form of ...

By Nusret Isanović

Allah Almighty speaks of three ways of delivering and receiving the Message in 51st verse of the chapter: وَ مَا كَانَ لِبَشَرٍ أَنْ يُكَلِّمَهُ اللهُ إِلاَّ وَحْيًا أَوْ مِنْ وَرَاءِ حِجَابٍ أَوْ يُرْسِلَ رَسُولاً فَيُوحِيَ بِإِذْنِهِ مَا يَشَاءُ إِنَّهُ عَلِيٌّ حَكِيمٌ. “No human being is given a chance to be addressed by Allah in more than o...

By Mensur Valjevac

For a long time bribe and corruption have complicated social relations throughout the world, and very early the have become a part of Muslim social life. For some scientists the existence of these phenomena was the key reason for the decline of the Ottoman Empire. This paper does not discuss neither the history of bribe and corruption in the Muslim...

By Esmir Halilović

01.12.2016. Review paper Biochemistry

The peace treaty between hadrat Hasan and hadrat Muawiya brought peace to a new Islamic state. According to it, the authority was supposed to be given to hadrat Hasan after hadrat Muawiya, who could not name the commander of the faithful after himself. However, hadrat Muawiya did not adhere to the treaty, but introduced a hereditary monarchy and na...

By Mina Valjevac, Mensur Valjevac

Since Ilhamija is one of the most influential personalities of Bosnian culture at the end of Otoman period learning his intelectual and spiritual exertion becomes necessary in order to better undertand his importance for total social and cultural flow in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time. Applying the deconstructional method of text analysis, Il...

By Sedad Dizdarević

Within the methodological framework of a phono-stylistic analysis, with respect to one of its two main aspects, this paper offers an analysis of assonance and alliteration in English translations of the Bosniak ballad "Hasanaginica". Taking into account the limited scope of this paper, we analyzed these figures of sound on the examples of introduct...

By Amina Arnautović

01.12.2003. Review paper Biochemistry
The first islamic educational survey (1910-1911)

The Islamic educational poll (expert board) had the task of studying and offering solutions to a number of religious-educational and general educational questions in the field of elementary education, of which some had been ‘inviolable’ for centuries – such as secular education of female Muslim children, considering that strong opposition from pare...

By Bilal Hasanović

The aim of this paper was to explore the accent of disyllabic feminine nouns of e-declension with a short ascending accent (type vòda and type žèna) in contemporary Bosnian standard language reference books and the standard language use, given the previously observed tendency towards losing accent alternations in a paradigm. Based on the comparati...

By Amina Pehlić

Journal of University of Zenica