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This paper attempts to explore the issue of multifunctional interpretation of syntactic elements in Arabic grammar. Thus, the aim of the research is to investigate the reasons underlying different grammatical interpretation of the same syntactic element in Arabic grammar. The focus is on an indefinite noun in the accusative case, which performs var...

By Mithat Jugo

This paper presents a phenomenon of forms with the same root and their role in the Qur’anic text. The phenomenon is based on repetition of the same linguistic root in two or more words related on syntactic level. This linguistic appearance is a very important stylistic expression in the Qur’an with its numerous forms and features. The aim of the pa...

By Mithat Jugo

Repetition of the same lexical root in two or more words related to the syntactic level is the linguistic phenomenon known in oral and written Arabic language expression. The paper presents the nature of research of this phenomenon in the classical and modern Arabic linguistic thought. The research shows that the classics touched upon same-root syn...

By Mithat Jugo

Journal of University of Zenica