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The aim of this study was to validate the questionnaire of the quality of integration of a subject into the school curriculum. For this purpose, 200 teachers of Religious education and 200 teachers of other elementary school subjects were examined in a survey on the quality of integration of a subject into the school curriculum, and the content of ...

By Izet Pehlić, Anela Hasanagić, Emina Grabus

Insights into relevant scientific theoretical sources have indicated the existence of educational values of musical content, since it evokes emotions, and various emotions stimulate different thoughts, reactions and behavior. Furthermore, it has been concluded that music education presents an important part of overall esthetic and artistic educatio...

By Kristina Prkić-Palavra, Izet Pehlić

This paper was based on the fact that educators’ social communicative competences are insufficiently discussed in professional literature, and that there is no research instrument testing them. Therefore, the goal of this paper was to develop and then empirically validate the Scale for the Assessment of Educators’ Social Communicative Competences. ...

By Naira Jusufović, Anela Hasanagić, Izet Pehlić

The aim of this paper was to carry out a socio-pedagogical analysis of peer violence, the quality of high school students’ family and school life, and to examine the relationship between peer violence and the quality of family and school life among high school students. The research was conducted employing a method of theoretical analysis and a des...

By Emina Babić, Izet Pehlić

Subjective factors have great significance for introducing inclusion into schools. The hypothesis of this paper is that teachers’ attitudes can have great impact on the realisation of inclusive education since they are the main bearers of upbringing and educational process, and of admitting children with special needs in regular classes. The aim o...

By Šaćira Mešalić, Izet Pehlić, Muharem Adilović

This work analyses the basic concepts in the field of planning and the development of an educational program. The term curriculum has been avoided in our educational public, or it had multiple interpretations that were not only characteristic for our pedagogical theory and practice but also for a significant number of other countries. Its numerous...

By Izet Pehlić

The aim of the research was to make a socio-pedagogical description of the minors’ causal attributions for their own delinquent behavior, based on the attitudes expressed by juvenile delinquents. Moreover, the aim was to reveal whether there is a statistically significant correlation between internal and external factors of delinquent behavior. A ...

By Izet Pehlić, Jakub Hasić, Suad Orlić

A new strategic management system, if it’s adequately implemented, can change an entire organization in a way to became more effective and efficient, and the most of strategic management authors and practicers agree that implementation of an organizational strategy is more difficult than its formulation. In today’s dynamic, highly competitive envir...

By Elvir Čizmić, Izet Pehlić

The interests and system of individual values is a special domain of human functioning which is mostly influenced by the closest social surrounding. Individuals regard different values with unequal importance and that way value hierarchy is formed. Due to cognitive development the value hierarchy is gradually changing during adolescence. Consideri...

By Izet Pehlić

Journal of University of Zenica