The aim of the research was to define the relationship between personality dimensions based on the five-factor model (neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience) and love styles (eros, ludus, storge, mania, pragma and agape), i.e. to determine whether there is a connection between personality dimensions and love styles. Apart from that, gender differences in love styles were examined.
The research was carried out on a sample of 176 students (82 men and 94 women). The Scale of Personality Self-evaluation (Kardum I. and Smojver I, 1993) and the Scale of Love Attitudes (Hendrick i Hendrick, 1993) were used. The research methods used were correlation and regression analysis, and t-test for independent samples.
There was a statistically significant positive connection between the dimension of neuroticism and mania love style, and a statistically significant negative connection between the dimension of neuroticism and eros love style. Further on, there was a statistically significant positive connection between the dimension of extraversion and eros love style, a statistically significant positive connection between the dimension of agreeableness and eros, storge and agape love styles, a statistically significant positive connection between the dimension of conscientiousness and eros and agape love styles, and a statistically significant negative connection between conscientiousness and ludus and mania love styles.
The results of the regression analysis indicated that conscientiousness was a statistically significant positive predictor of the eros love style (9.8% variance) and agape love style (12% variance), and a statistically significant negative predictor of the ludus love style (9.1% variance). Further on, it was affirmed that the dimension of agreeableness was a statistically significant positive predictor of the agape love style (12% variance), and neuroticism was a statistically significant positive predictor of the mania love style (4% variance). The t-test affirmed that men express ludus love style in their romantic relationships more often than women.
Keywords: love styles, personality dimensions, five-factor personality model
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