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An overview of the didactic-methodical work of Hamdija Mulić

Refik Čatić
Refik Čatić


Having considered didactic and methodic work of Hamdija Mulić, we can say that he, with his thought and immediate teaching praxis, has modernized work in religion teaching. The religion teaching methodic should show us how to plan and execute curricula in a systematically founded and organized manner. This applies to the both: maktabs and regular schools. In order to have a successful curriculum, it has to be methodically thought and based on fundamental didactic laws. In the book “Methodic of Religious Curriculum” Hamdija Mulić shows experience and praxis of best achievements in that field. Therefore, methodic of religious curriculum is a theory of conducting the curriculum based on experience and tested in praxis, but the theory that inclines to transform into praxis, to change. As a theory, Mulić’s study gives orientation for a work and gives stimulus to religion teachers to consider and apply his ideas in this time. Namely, each religion teacher has to thoroughly know curriculum regularities in order to apply them on specific content of religious upbringing and education. For successful curriculum, mere completion of theology studies is not sufficient, as some people believe, but separate education on immediate teaching performance is needed as well. Unfortunately, sufficient attention was not paid to pedagogical, didactical and methodic work which underlines the significance of Hamdija Mulić’s work. Let this study be a stimulus to those who deal with religious upbringing and education to research and modernize didactic and methodic approach in immediate teaching praxis as well as to develop the theory of religious upbringing and education in the spirit and tradition of Islam.


Bognar. Ladislav i Matijević.
Ćatić R. Metodički priručnik za nastavu Vjernauke, El Kalem.
Đorđević J. Opća pedagogija, intelektualno vaspitanje, Izdavačko-informativni centar studenata.
Jelavić F. Didaktičke osnove nastave.
Mulić H. Metodika vjerske nastave, Islamska dioničarska tiskara.
Pranjić M. Metodika vjeronaučne nastave, Katehetski selezijanski centar.


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