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Different attitudes towards defining mursal hadith have been present since the second century of hijra and period of Ibn Qattan, up to the later hadith scholars, Ibn Abdu'l-Barra, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani and others. There are also differences in regards to validity of argumentation of these kinds of hadiths. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate...

By Salih Indžić

01.12.2021. Review paper Biochemistry
Osobenosti kodifikacije hadiske predaje

In addition to presenting the classic hadith scholars’ work on protecting the hadith material from insertions and modifications as well as presenting the developmental stages of the hadith science, this paper aims to represent some specificities of the hadith narrations such as the shortest sened (sulasijjat) by which the narration reached the most...

By Salih Indžić

Journal of University of Zenica