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The paper presents sociological views on identity from terminological ambiguity to theoretical and functional openness in accordance with the needs of the individual and the society that is changing and evolving. From an interactionist point of view, identity is formed through communication and action; in the structuralist sense, it represents the ...

By Melisa Zukić

There are some differences in understanding the terms: upbringing example/role model/ideal. An upbringing example points at other people's success. He provides a basis for practical work. An upbringing role model is a person who puts into practice things he suggests to other people. Practice leads to positive results and success. A role model is ba...

By Melisa Zukić

01.12.2013. Review paper Biochemistry

The identification as a belonging of a person to the territory, people, culture, religion becomes one’s authentic property, identity. National identity includes territorial and ethnic type. The basic integrating element is religion, the holder of ethnic values and the development of national consciousness. Bosniak nationality is determined by birth...

By Melisa Zukić

The Prophet’s (s.a.w.s.) realisation of Qur’anic repression of alcoholism is marked by activities which aim at protecting an aim group from negative consequences of alcohol. That is characterized by revelation of four Qur’anic ayats- which represent phases of the Prophet’s (s.a.w.s.) work. The aim group is divided into two categories, depending on ...

By Melisa Zukić

Journal of University of Zenica