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01.12.2009. Review paper Biochemistry

Prikaz djela: Mehmed Kico, Ogledi u poetici prevođenja – u svjetlu iskustava o arapskome jeziku (El-Kalem – Fakultet islamskih nauka u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, 2009)...

By Mejra Softić

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Philosophi of language in Al-Faraby’s work

Studying Al-Faraby’s work, with an accent on his contribution to the methodology of language study, we came to the conclusion that he persistently tried to bring closer language and logic. Committed to setting a scientific system and research method which would be based on the reason and argumentation, he significantly rose above his time heavy wit...

By Mehmed Kico

The passing of Dr. Teufik Muftic is an irretrievable loss, considering that he was the author of very valuable scholarly works in the field of study and understanding of Arabic. His prolific scholarly works are important for many fields, especially in the field of textbooks for the study of Arabic, writing of research works in Arabic and the gramma...

By Mehmed Kico

Prikaz knjige: Mehmed Kico, Arapski jezik u prevođenju između Istoka i Zapada (El-Kalem, 2012)...

By Orhan Jašić


By Mehmed Kico, Samir Beglerović

Journal of University of Zenica