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This paper treats the field of religion teaching curriculum assuming that stronger changes in the content would make a step forward to a more fruitful and better curriculum. The proposal for changes is directed toward introducing content which would be more familiar and important for religion students of a certain age, as well as towards connecting...

By Edina Vejo

01.12.2003. Review paper Biochemistry
Expanted understanding of method in islamic education

The text discuses the notion of method in Islamic education.It offers broader understanding of the method based on the existence of implicational relation between decisions regarding method and content in the education. Scientific intervention in the area of content is represented through two complemental approaches. The first is from the position ...

By Edina Vejo

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the theoretical construct of a social capital. The social capital is understood as one of the relevant prognostic constructs for the results of both transitional and integrational processes in our societies. Considering that the environment we live in is evident in the process of (re)ac...

By Edina Vejo, Nataša Mirolović-Vlah

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper is the adapted and extended version of the bachelor’s work of our student Eldar Ćerim supervised by professor Edina Vejo and assistant professor Elma Begagić. The paper presents the results of several research studies (Bazrafshan, Jahangir & Shokrpour, 2017; Cox, 2011; Pirner, 2017; Williams & Lindsey, 2005) showing the nature of...

By Eldar Ćerim, Edina Vejo, Elma Begagić

Journal of University of Zenica