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The familiarity with the problem of social perception ought to be an integral part of individual work with every individual – without which one cannot except success on the level of an individual who is confronting his/her own self, raising the level of correction, learning from earlier experiences or correcting false beliefs. The ability of adequa...

By Amel Alić

In this study, we have referred to the educational model of culture shock, and the trans-generational model of understanding of family systems. In methodological terms, we have combined quantitative and qualitative methods. In the qualitative part of the study, we used semi-structured interviews with members of two generations, and systematic obser...

By Amel Alić, Sedin Habibović, Haris Cerić

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Experiments on inclusive education

Inclusion as a relatively new concept and a way of consideration in the organization of a modern teaching system and school arose out of a necessity to eliminate every type of segregation among students. According to some leading theoreticians of this field, inclusive education is the way to enable students with special needs to incorporate into re...

By Amel Alić

Journal of University of Zenica