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The companions of the Prophet (sahaba) were the best generation of men that has ever appeared on the Earth. They implemented the Book of Allah most profoundly, by their strict following of the Prophet, saws. Unfortunately, in time, there were attempts to distort the image of this honourable generation, so different untruths were invented in order ...

By Šefik Kurdić

It is a rarity to find Islamic studies whose development and profiling was not significantly contributed by the Bosniaks. Even though scientific-research efforts of the Bosniaks in the field of Hadith seem an insignificant part of the entire scientific-theoretical experience of the Muslim world in general, it still represents significant contributi...

By Šefik Kurdić

This paper considers the issue of interpretation (ta’weel) of original texts of Shari’ah in the spirit of traditional teaching. In the introduction the author emphasises the significance of knowing this issue through history and present day. After explaining linguistic meaning, the author describes a meaning of ta’weel in the tradition of selefus-s...

By Šefik Kurdić

In the last few centuries, European colonialism replaced, neutralized, and minimized local political, social, economic, legal, and educational institutions in the Muslim world, and thus it, undoubtedly, became a chalenge for Islamic religion and culture. Exactly this new state produced reformers who tried to insure an Islamic basis for educationa...

By Šefik Kurdić

Ebu Hanife, Malik, Shafiya and Ahmad are the leading spirits of Islamic thought. Their reasoning in the domain of Shari’ah made them the unavoidable sources for all generations of Muslims throughout history. The most obvious proof for that is the four great law schools that have endured the time and that had been founded and defined by these four g...

By Šefik Kurdić

01.12.2006. Review paper

Apocryphal traditions, called Hadiths by our people because they are the words and teachings of the Prophet himself, are a part of our daily routine. They ¸flooded even numerous scientific and technical literature, and they are often quoted by highly regarded and respectable intellectuals. This also goes for those circles that should, with the stre...

By Šefik Kurdić

The two greatest muhaddis in history, Bukhari and Muslim, had an outstanding memory, precise criteria for accepting and transmitting Hadith and, above all, subtle piousness and godliness. These characteristics made their two collections most renowned and most accepted among all Hadith works. By consensus of Islamic scholars their two collections, k...

By Šefik Kurdić

Sunnan are Hadith collections recognizable by Hadiths classified according to the Shari’ah legal issues. Actually, they represent a fortunate synthesis of Hadith and Shari’ah law, so they have been especially useful for Shari’ah lawyers in making decisions according to legal principles of Shari’ah. These Hadith collections were the characteristic o...

By Šefik Kurdić

Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. was one of the most diligent students of Allah’s Prophet, Muhammed s.a.w.s. He embraced Islam in his early years and wove into it all of his physical and spiritual strength. Even though his parents had mistreated him because of his devotion to Islam, by depriving him of food, drink and clothing, he remained steadfast on his p...

By Šefik Kurdić

From the aforementioned it can be concluded that Abu Hurajrah r.a. with his spiritual, physical and intellectual characteristics, really deserves the epithet of one of the most famous and most recognized friends of Allah’s Prophet, p.b.u.h. The facts presented in this paper deny, in the best way, statement made by Abu Rayya and some other orientali...

By Šefik Kurdić

Journal of University of Zenica